Notre-Dame is really majestic. It is a magical place and it might convert the non-believers.

Notre-Dame 4th arrondissement
The cathedral is the example of French Gothic architecture featuring the naturalism of its sculptures and stained glass. Gargoyles placed around the outside serve as chimeras. 

It takes 387 stairs to reach the top of the cathedral. Waiting for you up there are the famous bell, mystical gargoyles, and spectacular view across Paris 

Hour: 10am – 5:30pm from 10.01 to 3.31. 10am – 6:30pm from 4.01 to 9.30. Late opening until 11pm on Friday and Saturday in July and August. Last entry 45 minutes before closing. Closed on 1.01, 5.01 and 12.25.
Batobus: Notre-Dame
Metro: Cité, Saint-Michel

Sainte-Chapelle 1st arrondissement
Sainte-Chapelle is located on the Île de la Cité in the heart of Paris. It is a royal medieval Gothic chapel. This "jewel box" structure has one of the most extensive collections of 13th century stained glass in the world.

Hour: 9am – 5pm from 11.01 to 2.28. 9:30am – 6pm from 3.01 to 10.31. Late opening until 9:30pm on Wednesday from 5.15 to 9.15. Last entry 45 minutes before closing. Closed on 1.01, 5.01 and 12.25.
Batobus: Notre-Dame
Metro: Cité, Châtelet

Sacré-Cœur 18th arrondissement
Dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sacré-Cœur is a Roman Catholic church and basilica.  The church is located at the summit of the butte Montmartre. It is the highest point in Paris. Judging from the look, its nickname, "wedding cake", seems very fitting 

Hour: 6am – 10:30pm.
Metro: Anvers, Abbesses

Basilique Saint-Denis 
This large medieval abbey church is significant because it is the burial place of the French Kings and considered to be the first  truly medieval Gothic architecture. The basilica is in the city of Saint-Denis, now a northern suburb of Paris. It became the burial place of the French Kings, with all but three of the Kings of France from the 10th to the 18th centuries being buried there and many before 10th century. It was renamed as a cathedral in 1966.

Hour: 10am – 6:15pm from 4.1 to 9.30. 10am – 5:15pm from 10.1 to 3.31. Opening at 12pm on Sunday. Last entry 30 minutes before closing. Closed on 1.01, 5.01 and 12.25.
Metro: Basilique de Saint-Denis.

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